Video: Understanding Fuel Poverty

November 11th, 2013

This video is from our friends at the Centre for Sustainable Energy. It looks at a few of the issues that the millions of families in fuel poverty will face this winter. Crucially it points out that the wide range of health problems that are made worse by living in a cold home. The government should do more.

The three contributing factors to cold homes are low incomes, fuel prices and energy efficiency. Different fuel prices vary but gas, the main source of heating in the UK, is actually cheaper here than in most countries. Yet we have high fuel bills. Why is this? Because our homes are so inefficient. They lose heat very quickly so take up more and more fuel to stay warm.

If the government was to be ambitious and help everyone to thoroughly insulate and make their home’s energy efficient then we could end the scourge of cold homes for ever. We could insulate 5-600,000 homes a year and bring 9 out of 10 families out of fuel poverty.

If you agree with this idea, then please sign our petition on the homepage of this website


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Ed Matthew, Director, Transform UK

The Energy Bill Revolution is an alliance campaign coordinated by Transform UK, a programme of the sustainable development organisation E3G. Transform UK works to build alliances to accelerate investment into the low carbon economy in the most socially just way.